120,702 Unique visitors
386,449 Visits
10,428,647 Pages
84,202,955 Hits
2021 Website Metrics
Sunday, January 16th, 2022 12:11pm CSTIndoor Temperature Graph During Rolling Power Outages
Monday, February 22nd, 2021 6:44pm CSTThis is a graph of the temperature inside our house from 2/15 12:00AM to 2/16 6:00PM. It was recorded by a piece of equipment in an upstairs closet, which is normally closed. The temperature inside of the closet is typically about 5°F to 7°F warmer than the rest of the house. It showed ~49°F the morning of 2/16, when our downstairs thermostat showed 44°F.
Some notes:
Inside of the equipment closet, our backup battery/UPS kicked in at the first loss of power and generated some extra heat for about 45 minutes until the battery drained. It recharged for an hour the next morning once power returned and ran for another 45 minutes when we lost power again, which slightly slowed the closets heat loss. We gave up and turned it off after that.
Our hot water heater (in the attic) burst shortly after power returned around midnight on 2/16 when the closet temperature was showing 51°F.
After noon on 2/16, the doors were opened and closed to the room and closet, which skewed the graph a bit when the outages were shorter and we started to build heat again.
February 2021 – Record Cold
Saturday, February 20th, 2021 12:42am CSTAt 11:41AM on 2/19/2021, our station temperature rose above 32°F for the first time in over 141 hours – from 2/13/2021 to 2/19/2021. We spent 95 hours below 32°F – from 2/9/2021 to 2/13/2021, with only a few minutes above freezing between the two spans.
We also recorded a low temperature of -2.6°F on 2/16/2021, low wind chill of -14.6°F on 2/15/2021, and 6.5 inches of snowfall – from 2/14/2021 to 2/17/2021.
2020 Website Metrics
Friday, January 1st, 2021 4:15pm CST108,801 Unique visitors (-12% from 2019)
374,426 Visits (-5% from 2019)
10,811,332 Pages (+25% from 2019)
124,473,658 Hits (+29% from 2019)
Favorite pages:
Year-end station maintenance complete
Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 10:04am CSTFan-aspirated radiation shield motor replacement, temperature/humidity digital sensor board replacement, wind speed bearing cartridge replacement, battery replacement.
Guadalupe River, Comfort, TX – 7/17/1987
Friday, September 18th, 2020 3:06pm CDTWhile going through a box of old photos from the 80’s, I rediscovered these and decided to scan and post them.
They were taken on July 17, 1987 of the Guadalupe River in Comfort, TX during flash flooding that tragically took the lives of 10 teens. https://www.weather.gov/ewx/wxevent-19870717
Site Update – HTTPS
Thursday, January 30th, 2020 9:47am CSTAll web traffic to PlanoWeather.com is now being forced to HTTPS. Communications between website visitors and the server are encrypted and no longer marked as “Not Secure” by Google Chrome and other web browsers.
2019 Website Metrics
Friday, January 3rd, 2020 8:23am CST124,160 Unique visitors
392,718 Visits
8,625,720 Pages
96,320,493 Hits
Favorite pages:
SKYWARN® Spotter Training – Collin County – Saturday, January 18, 2020
Saturday, December 21st, 2019 3:02pm CSTPlanoWeather.com will be attending the Collin County Spotter Training Sessions on Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 8:30AM-4:30PM. If you are interested in attending, it is open to the public. No advanced registration is required.
Collin College Central Park Campus
Conference Center
2400 Community Avenue
Community Ave & Taylor Burk Dr
McKinney, TX 75071
2020 Training Schedule for North Texas:
Forecasters from the National Weather Service in Fort Worth conduct storm spotter training sessions each year to help prepare spotters for the upcoming severe weather season. The NWS conducts the training at the invitation of local emergency management officials who organize the training and who, in most cases are responsible for maintaining their local storm spotter network.
The training sessions are typically about two hours long and cover fundamental information that every spotter needs to know, with a focus on safety, identification of key weather features and proper reporting procedures.
To learn more about SKYWARN®, go to: https://www.weather.gov/fwd/skywarn
Website Additions and Changes – Spring 2019
Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 11:50pm CDTWe made a couple of additions to the home page of our site this week. First, we enabled a toggle to switch the live station data units-of-measure between Imperial and Metric. This was in response to a request we received through social media a few months ago.
Second, we added a Seasons Countdown section, because we all need a reminder that even though we hit 89.6 degrees today (4/9/19), Summer does not begin for another 72 days! The new section will update to countdown each season: Spring-Vernal Equinox, Summer – Summer Solstice, Fall – Autumn Equinox, and Winter – Winter Solstice.
We also made several graphical updates to freshen up the site. We added a seamless cloud background graphic, a new set of forecast icons, new moon phase images, and rounded corners on the header and footer sections, tables, header fields, and images.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for site changes or additions, please let us know!