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Posts Tagged ‘site’

Page Improvements – Summary and Records

Friday, November 12th, 2010 9:15am CST

An update has been made to the temperature, rainfall, and wind summary pages with the addition of historical graphs. Additionally, the records page for temperature, rainfall, wind, and snow has been updated with data for barometric pressure and snowfall.

Station Anemometer Relocated

Friday, November 5th, 2010 1:47pm CDT

PlanoWeather.com AnemometerThe PlanoWeather.com anemometer has been relocated to a location ideal for recording accurate wind measurements. The previous sitting was at a height of 12 feet and was impacted by obstructions common to a suburban location.

Upon relocation, we immediately began seeing accurate wind readings. You can see in the below graph that average wind speeds more than doubled and wind direction has stabilized.Wind Reading Graph

The new installation location was achieved with the addition of a solar powered wireless transmitter and mounting pole.

PlanoWeather.com will continue to make improvements whenever or wherever possible to ensure the most accurate recording and reporting of weather data.

Stay tuned!

New Page – Drought Monitor

Friday, October 15th, 2010 5:47pm CDT

A new page has been added to the site that displays drought information – https://www.planoweather.com/wxdrought.php. The U.S. Drought Monitor was established to assess drought severity in a subjective but uniform manner. Since 1999, various agencies, including those within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have pooled their expertise with that of academia and local interests to more accurately categorize drought. Incorporating the input of all these entities, the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) issues a weekly assessment of drought severity on a national scale.

New Page – Station Historical Graphs

Saturday, September 25th, 2010 9:02pm CDT

UPDATE – This page has been removed. On May 18, 2019, wunderground.com turned off the ability to download station data via CSV file, which this script relied on.

A new page has been added to the site that displays historical graphs for PlanoWeather.com – http://www.planoweather.com/wxwugraphs.php. Daily, monthly, and yearly data can be graphed for temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and solar radiation. Data is available back to February 18, 2009, when PlanoWeather.com was born.

New Page – Today in Weather History

Saturday, September 25th, 2010 8:39pm CDT

A new page has been added to the site that displays weather events and facts for this day in history – https://www.planoweather.com/wxOnThisDayUS.php.

Daily US Extremes

Saturday, September 25th, 2010 11:24am CDT

UPDATE – This component has been removed.

A component has been added to the left side menu that displays Daily US Extremes for temperature and precipitation for the past 24 hours.

New Page – NOAA Image of the Day

Thursday, August 12th, 2010 9:49pm CDT

UPDATE – This page has been removed. In March, 2018, the NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory announced the site will no longer be updated.

A new page has been added to the site that displays the NOAA Image of the Day from their Environmental Visualization Laboratory – https://www.planoweather.com/wxiod.php.

PlanoWeather.com is now sending its weather data to PWSweather.com

Sunday, July 25th, 2010 6:17pm CDT

Starting 7/25/2010, PlanoWeather.com began sending its weather data to PWSweather.com. PWSweather.com is a partnership between HAMweather, LLC and weatherforyou.com, LLC. The purpose of the program is to bring together data from personal weather stations worldwide, display it and make it available for other purposes.

HAMweather, LLC is the company that has brought you the HAMweather suite of products and services that allow you to easily add weather data and forecasts to your own web sites.

Weather For You was created to increase awareness about independent weather stations and the role they play in reporting information from areas where official NWS reporting stations don’t currently exist. One of their goals from the beginning was to bring together information from a wide range of private weather stations to a single resource. They also provide support and services to personal weather stations to enhance their web sites with various forecast and weather information products.

New Page – CWOP Data Quality for Station D2893

Saturday, July 24th, 2010 3:57pm CDT

A new page has been added to the site that displays CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program) statistics for Station D2893 – https://www.planoweather.com/wxcwopstats.php

CWOP is a private-public partnership with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Its three main goals: 1) to collect weather data contributed by citizens; 2) to make the data available for weather services; and 3) to provide feedback to the data contributors so that they have the tools to check and improve their data quality.

New Page – Global Station Map of Affiliated Weather Networks

Sunday, July 18th, 2010 10:03pm CDT

A new page has been added to the site that displays a Google Map with the locations of current affiliated regional weather network member stations across the globe – https://www.planoweather.com/wxglobal.php.