SKYWARN Spotter Training – Collin County – Saturday, January 24, 2015 will be attending the Collin County Basic and Advanced Spotter Training Sessions on Saturday, January 24 from 8:30AM-4:30PM. If you are interested in attending, it is open to the public. No advanced registration is required.

Basic Session at 8:30-11:00AM
Advanced Session at 1:00-4:00 PM

Collin College:
Preston Ridge Campus
Conference Center; C105
9700 Wade Boulevard
Frisco, TX 75035

2015 Training Schedule for North Texas:

Forecasters from the National Weather Service in Fort Worth conduct storm spotter training sessions each year to help prepare spotters for the upcoming severe weather season. The NWS conducts the training at the invitation of local emergency management officials who organize the training and who, in most cases are responsible for maintaining their local storm spotter network.

The training sessions are typically about two hours long and cover fundamental information that every spotter needs to know, with a focus on safety, identification of key weather features and proper reporting procedures.


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